Thursday, June 21, 2012

GINA TRICOT Gewinnspiel


Für die Festivalsaison in diesem Jahr hat sich ginatricot zusammen mit uns etwas ganz besonderes einfallen lassen:
Neonfarben in Kombination mit Nieten, Batikprints und shredded Jeans spiegelt den aktuellen Look auf den Festivals in diesem Jahr wieder.
Daher verlosen wir 5 Stücke aus der aktuellen Kollektion von ginatricot zum aufpeppen eurer Festivaloutfits.

/Schlauchschal: STELLA SNOOD /
dolly shorts-typo
/Highwaisted Short: DOLLY size 36 /
tara biker
/Jeansweste: TARA BIKER in size 38 /

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Kolejne zdjęcia z cyklu "na dachu Renomy". Mimo tego, że nie mam tam najbliżej, lubię tworzyć posty dla was w tym miejscu. Zwykle nie ma zbyt wielu aut, nikt nie przeszkadza przechodząc, nie wybałusza oczu, nie zaczepia, ani nie krzyczy: "top madl!", co czyni robienie fotek znacznie przyjemniejszym. W zasadzie wszystkie elementy stylizacji są wam już znane, ale nie mogłam oprzeć się pokusie pokazania moich galaxy jeszcze raz, w bardziej luźnej, swobodnej wersji.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Meow + Oasap Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Mish Rendon from Starmishie for winning the giveaway!
You will be emailed shortly by the lovely people at Oasap.
Thank you all for joining this giveaway, if you didn't win this time, no worries! 
I already have some upcoming giveaways in the making. 

I never had the chance to wear these shorts; they were an impulse buy while 
I was at H&M one day. For me, they can't be worn alone without the tights because 
then my butt cheeks would be hanging out! (lovely image, no? haha, sorry) 
I love the multiple kitty cat print on these and they're knit shorts but really thin! 
I think I got them for $10 because they were on sale! Also, I've been wanting an
envelope clutch for a while now and the kind people at VJ Style gifted me with a pretty
red one! It's actually really sturdy and well made. I want one of each color! I'm totally
digging this white blouse with this unique collar strap thing around the neck area from Romwe...
without it, it would just be another plain old white blouse. (stating the obvious here)
Hope you all have a wonderful day! 

Red Envelope Clutch- c/o VJ Style
Blouse- c/o Romwe
Tights- c/o Romwe
Knit Kitty Shorts- H&M